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Best Beginnings Childbirth and New Family Classes Registration

To register for a classes, please fill out the form below. You will receive a confirmation letter with specific information about the classes (including Zoom link) that you have signed up for once we have processed your registration form. Classes are FREE with the exception of On-demand, E-Classes. All classes are live webinar unless otherwise noted. Class size is limited so we encourage early registration for all classes.

There are limited in-person seats for COVID vaccinated attendees only, please indicate your preference for classes you register.

字段 * 是必需的

Expectant Mother's Information
Support Person/其他 Participant's Information
Prenatal Class Information
The Family Birth Center recommends the following classes be taken during your pregnancy: one of four Childbirth class options (weekday series, 周末班, off-site series or online class), 新生儿护理, Prenatal Breastfeeding and 我的新兄弟姐妹 (for 2-10 year old siblings in the family). (Mouse over the title for class description)
分娩后 Class Information
The Family Birth Center recommends the following classes be taken after you give birth: Baby and Me Series and Postpartum Breastfeeding. 请注意 Baby and Me Series are offered via New Family Café on Thursdays: 10a-11a. 免费. Register to attend.
(Mouse over the title for class description)
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