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Time Off / Leave, and 值班时间 Policies


All residents in the Department of OBGYN at SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University are guaranteed 20 vacation days per academic year, translating to 4 weeks (Monday-Friday) in total. The proposed 4 vacation weeks are reviewed by the Program Director and Program Coordinator 之前 the start of the academic year. Final review and approval is then granted by the Program Director. 根据需要, changes are to be requested by the resident via email to the Program Coordinator and Program Director. In urgent situations, the fellow may request a change via direct communication such as text or phone call to the Program Director.

研究 Conferences and Committee Involvement

Involvement in research and organized medicine, such as through the ACOG JFCAC (Junior Fellow Advisory Council), is highly encouraged. 因此, time off for attendance of research conferences and/or committee meetings is reviewed by the Program Director and granted in excess of vacation time on a case by case basis. Resident oral and/or poster presentation at Regional and National meetings must be reviewed by the Program Director and research mentor 之前 submission to ensure financial support.

Sick Leave and Personal Days

All fellows undergo training through the CREOG Wellness 课程 to better understand and define their personal wellness by assessing the impact of medical, 社会, and environmental stressors on work function. Emergent need for a resident to take sick leave and/or personal time off may arise. If a fellow determines they need take an unscheduled day or series of days off, they must contact the Program Director and Program Coordinator. The fellow is then supported by the aforementioned parties by ensuring the resident is safe and arranging clinical coverage as needed. As per the Campus Wide Leave Policy, if the time off is in excess of 4 days, the SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Human Resources Department will be made aware of the absence in order to support the resident with respect to short-term disability and FMLA if needed.


To maintain working conditions and work hours of physicians and post-研究生 trainees (Resident and Fellows) that promote the provision of quality medical care. University Hospital shall follow the policies as set forth in New York Department of 健康 Code 405, regarding working hours for post-研究生 trainees and certain members of the medical staff. In addition, post-研究生 trainee programs must
be in compliance with ACGME specialty-specific duty hour regulations.