
Links to Related Information

的 following links are to information that the 地区围产期中心 finds helpful and informative. We realize that this is a very important time for you and that access to relevant information can be beneficial. It is important to note that this website and its contents are for educational purposes only. 除了, while we are providing the links to the following websites, it is important to note that we have no control over their content and are not responsible for the content. 的 information provided herein should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease, and should not substitute as a healthcare provider. If you believe you have a health problem, you should contact your physician or obstetrician.


  • 家庭资源中心 is a Resource and a Service to University Hospital, Veterans Administration Hospital and to the 纽约中部 Community provided by the SUNY 上州医科大学 健康科学图书馆.
  • Prenatal Care Assistance Program(PCAP) can help you get the care you need for you and your baby. PCAP offers complete pregnancy care and other health care services to women and teens who live in New York State.
  • New York State Department of Health for a wealth of information regarding maternal and child health programs and educational materials.
  • RTS丧亲服务 is a program designed to support parents and families who have experienced the loss of a baby. Whether due to an ectopic pregnancy, 流产, 治疗终止, stillbirth or neonatal death, 我们是来倾听的.
  • 三角硬币标志
    的 mission of the 硬币行军 is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects and infant mortality.
  • 国际牛奶联盟
    Founded in 1956 by seven women who had learned about successful breastfeeding while nursing their own babies, 国际牛奶联盟 is the only organization with the sole purpose of helping breastfeeding mothers.
  • 的 American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists(ACOG) is a membership organization dedicated to the advancement of women's health through education, 实践, 研究和宣传.
  • womenshealth.政府
  • 自20世纪80年代末以来 HealthyWomen has helped millions of women educate themselves about the health topics that concern them the most. 非营利组织, dedicated to helping women make informed decisions about their health, encourages women to embrace healthy lifestyles to promote wellness and prevent disease.
  • National Organization of Mothers of Twins Club, Inc.
    "Our goal is to improve public awareness of the needs of multiple birth children by fostering development of local support groups, enhancing the quality of educational materials available to parents, educators and others and by cooperating with and participating in research projects which involve twins and/or their families."
  • Sidelines—National High-Risk Pregnancy Support Network provides nationwide support for women and their families experiencing complicated pregnancies.


  • Center for Maternal and Child Health (CMATCH) is a collaboration of efforts by members of the SUNY 上州医科大学 team aimed at using education, research and patient care to improve the outcome of pregnancy.
  • American Institute of 超声波 in Medicine is a multidisciplinary organization dedicated to advancing the art and science of ultrasound in medicine and research through its educational, 科学, literary and professional activities.
  • 成立于1977年 Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) is a not-for-profit organization of over 2,000 members that are dedicated to improving prenatal care. 的 Society's primary objectives are to promote and expand education in Maternal-Fetal medicine and to encourage the exchange of new ideas and research concerning the most recent approaches and treatments for obstetrical problems.
  • 职业.net—的 Universe of 妇女的健康